Node TAP 21.1.0

TAP Basics

Node-tap is a test framework library that you can use to write tests, and a command line program that can be used to run tests (and manage plugins, watch code for changes, analyze coverage, etc.)

You can use any of the parts independently, but they are designed to work well together.

Installing Tap#

You know the drill.

npm install tap --save-dev

"Zero Patience Just Get Going" Guide#

Write a test file like this:

// give this a testy lookin filename, like
// test/foo.js or ./lib/foo.test.js

import t from 'tap'
import { myThing } from '../src/whatever.js'

t.test('this is a child test', t => {
  t.pass('this passes')'this fails')
  t.ok(myThing, 'this passes if truthy')
  t.equal(myThing, 5, 'this passes if the values are equal')
  t.match( myThing, {
    property: String,
  }, 'this passes if is a string')
  // call this when you're done

t.test('async tests work like you would expect', async t => {
  t.equal(await myThing(), 'whatever')
  // don't have to call t.end(), it'll just end when the
  // async stuff is all resolved.

Run it like this:

$ tap run

And you'll get reports like this:

$ tap run
 PASS  docs/foo.test.js 2 OK 427ms

  🌈   TEST COMPLETE 🌈    

Asserts:  2 pass  0 fail  2 of 2 complete
Suites:   1 pass  0 fail  1 of 1 complete

# { total: 2, pass: 2 }
# time=463.429ms

Tap can do a lot of stuff. Keep reading if you want to know more.

Writing Tests#

Every tap test is a standalone node program that outputs TAP to standard output.

This is a very simple tap test:

console.log(`TAP version 14

The tap library can be used to output this format, but in much more useful and interesting ways.

First, pull in the root Test object by importing it from tap:

import t from 'tap'

We use the name t by convention because it's easy and clean, but you can of course call it whatever you like.

Next, you can make some assertions:

import t from 'tap'

t.pass('this is fine')

When run, that outputs:

$ node --loader=ts-node/esm --no-warnings --enable-source-maps t.mts
TAP version 14
ok 1 - this is fine
# { total: 1, pass: 1 }
# time=2.723ms

There are many more assertion methods provided by the @tapjs/asserts plugin.

import t from 'tap'

const myObject = { a: 1, b: 2 }
t.match(myObject, { a: Number }, 'this passes')
t.matchOnly(myObject, { b: 2 }, 'this fails')

With this, we can see that the t.match() assertion passes, because the object has an a member which is a number. However, the t.matchOnly() does not pass, because the object has other properties not specified in the comparison pattern.

$ node --loader=ts-node/esm --no-warnings --enable-source-maps t.mts
TAP version 14
ok 1 - this passes
not ok 2 - this fails
  diff: |
    --- expected
    +++ actual
    @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
     Object {
    +  "a": 1,
    fileName: t.mts
    lineNumber: 5
    columnNumber: 3
    isToplevel: true
  stack: t.mts:5:3
  source: |
    const myObject = { a: 1, b: 2 }
    t.match(myObject, { a: Number }, 'this passes')
    t.matchOnly(myObject, { b: 2 }, 'this fails')

# { total: 2, pass: 1, fail: 1 }
# time=13.576ms

When run with the tap cli, it looks like this:

$ tap t.mts
 FAIL  t.mts 1 failed of 2 14ms
    this fails t.mts:5:3

  🌈   TEST COMPLETE 🌈    

 FAIL  t.mts 1 failed of 2 14ms
    this fails
    3 const myObject = { a: 1, b: 2 }                
    4 t.match(myObject, { a: Number }, 'this passes')
    5 t.matchOnly(myObject, { b: 2 }, 'this fails')  
    --- expected   
    +++ actual     
    @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
     Object {      
    +  "a": 1,     

Asserts:  1 pass  1 fail  2 of 2 complete
Suites:   0 pass  1 fail  1 of 1 complete

# No coverage generated
# { total: 2, pass: 1, fail: 1 }
# time=45.911ms

The tap framework will print the assertion, as well as information about where the failure occurred, what was expected, and so on.

Child Tests#

It's usually convenient to group tests into "suites" of assertions about related functionality.

This can be done in tap using the t.test() method.

import t from 'tap'

const myObject = { a: 1, b: 2 }

t.test('test myObject', t => {
  t.equal(myObject.a, 1)
  t.matchOnly(myObject, { a: Number, b: Number })

Async Child Test Functions#

If you have asynchronous things to do in your subtest, or if you just don't prefer having to remember to call t.end() when it's over, your subtest method can return a promise.

import t from 'tap'

const myObject = { a: 1, b: 2, p: Promise.resolve('promise') }

t.test('test myObject', async t => {
  t.equal(myObject.a, 1)
  t.matchOnly(myObject, { a: Number, b: Number, p: Promise })
  t.equal(await myObject.p, 'promise')

We don't have to call t.end() if we use async functions, because tap will automatically end the subtest when the returned promise resolves.

Planned Assertion Counts#

If you know how many assertions you expect to call, you can use t.plan(n) to ensure that exactly that many are executed.

import t from 'tap'

const myObject = { a: 1, b: 2 }

t.test('test myObject', async t => {
  t.equal(myObject.a, 1)
  t.matchOnly(myObject, { a: Number, b: Number })

We also don't have to call t.end() if we set a plan, because tap will automatically end the child test when the plan is completed.

This is useful when you have a fixed number of assertions to run, but they can occur in any arbitrary order.

Running Tests#

While you can definitely just run your tests with node directly, it has some drawbacks:

The tap command line interface will run tests in parallel (as much as your system and configuration allow), with the correct loaders all assembled in the arguments, and format the output so that excessive noise is eliminated, and actionable information is clearly highlighted.

$ tap t.mts
 PASS  docs/foo.test.js 2 OK 410ms

  🌈   TEST COMPLETE 🌈    

Asserts:  2 pass  0 fail  2 of 2 complete
Suites:   1 pass  0 fail  1 of 1 complete

# No coverage generated
# { total: 2, pass: 2 }
# time=446.935ms

Code Coverage#

That # No coverage generated warning is telling you that this dummy example test was kind of pointless, because it didn't actually test anything.

If your test doesn't provide any code coverage, then it didn't really test anything, and is not very helpful. That's why tap exits with an error status code when no coverage is generated, or when the tests don't fully cover the program you're testing.

See the Code Coverage guide for more information about how to get the most out of code coverage with tap.

Other Test Utilities#

Real world tests often have to create fixture files, spy on or intercept properties and methods, or swap out dependency modules in order to trigger certain code paths and verify that they behave properly. Check out the docs on these plugins for helpful information as you write your tests:

For much more detail about the behavior of Test objects in your program, check out the full generated typedocs for the Test class

If there's some test functionality you need, and it's not already present, you can check for an existing plugin that might provide it, or create one youself.

Note about "Expected Failures" and "Run Until Good" Testing#

Occasionally people ask for a way to run a test multiple times, and consider it "passing" if it passes at least once. Or even, run a test, and expect it to fail, but don't treat that as a failure.

An "expected failure" should be either marked as todo (meaning that you'll get to it later), conditionally skipped on platforms that don't support the feature (eg, doing unixy things on Windows, or vice versa), or deleted from the test suite.

Ignoring test failures is a very bad practice, as it reduces confidence in your tests, which means that you can't just relax and focus on your code.

import t from 'tap'

// this is fine
t.test('unixy thing', {
  skip: process.platform === 'win32' ? 'unix only' : false,
}, t => {
  t.equal(doUnixyThing(), true)

// this is also fine
t.test('froblz is the blortsh', {
  todo: 'froblz not yet implemented',
}, t => {
  t.equal(froblz(), 'the blortsh')

If you have a test that sometimes passes, but is flaky, then that is a problem. Fix the problem! Let the test framework help you. Factor your code into more reasonable pieces that can be tested independently from one another. There are a lot of options, don't settle for having to remember which failures are "ok" and which are "real". All test failures are worth fixing! Why even have a test if you're ok with it failing?

Tap will never support such a thing. (Actually, it probably is possible to do somehow with plugins. But don't! It's a horrible idea!)

Further Reading#

Or maybe don't bother reading all that, and just go write some tests 😅